
The Charlotte Flights Track and Field Club is entering its 25th year of providing opportunities for youth to participate in our track and field program.  It is our desire to offer the highest quality track and field program at the lowest cost for our athletes’ participation.

Our current registration fee covers roughly 11% of the actual costs for each athlete to participate. We are able to provide a below-cost registration fee because of revenues we generate, as a club, from contractual opportunities provided by our various partners (Park & Recreation, UNCC and others).

Volunteering will provide you an opportunity to help create teamwork amongst parents, coaches and team members; and create a sense of family and community.  Additionally, your participation will help generate revenues necessary to help the Charlotte Flights remain STRONG. 

While your participation is not mandatory, it is greatly needed.  We ask that you sign up to participate in an activity that you would like to volunteer your time and expertise.  Training will be provided.  Click on our Event Calendar, to view year-round opportunities and get involved.

Tell us about your volunteer interests

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)




Areas of Interest (check all that apply)
ConcessionsTiming TeamFund DevelopmentPublic RelationsTrack Meet VolunteerCoaching

Tell us more about how you would like to get involved

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